Sunday, September 14, 2008

{I &hearts Pink}

Shouldn't every girl, just a little bit?

Have to have a pink chandelier....this one is from a bakeshop in DC.

Here, a beautiful spread via Absolutely Beautiful Things...

Could I hang the pink chandelier over the pink bathtub? Maybe then it could be all in one room and Conor wouldn't have a heart attack. Via Making it Lovely.

Finally, a pink Smeg fridge. MUST have.

I'll admit, I love pink.


Anonymous said...

oh. my. GOD. I love that fridge. The bathtub is pretty awesome also. Can you imagine having all pink furnishings? It would be GREAT.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I'm sorry I posted that anonymously! Not trying to be creepy!

Muffy said...

OOH, I loooove all these goodies! Thanks for visiting my blog! You're pretty fabulous!

Maggie May said...

i love the set round table...sigh..

TIG said...

Such a lovely collection of pink! Anna's {ABT} table of treats is really beautiful.