Well, fall semester has finally begun. I'm currently laying in bed having sent Conor off to work dreading the idea of finding a parking spot & navigating the {most likely crazed} bookstore. This got me to thinking about breakfast.

Generally throughout the school year my breakfast choices are those above. Iced latte or hot, depending on the lovely Nebraska weather, of course. Better than nothing, right?

Generally throughout the school year my breakfast choices are those above. Iced latte or hot, depending on the lovely Nebraska weather, of course. Better than nothing, right?
Is the first meal of the day really the most important? Do you all eat brekkie? Most of my adult life I've tried to schedule my days so as to sleep through this meal. So please give me some quick & easy breakfast ideas. Otherwise I'm afraid I won't make it through Horticulture, blah.
Okay, I must head to campus.
Okay, I must head to campus.
I always grab a breakfast bar of a pop tart on the way out the door. I don't do mornings very well! I hope you have a wonderful first day of school!
For breakfast during the week, we buy a box of the Quaker Oat oatmeal with the different flavors. That way I can bring the oatmeal packets to work and just add hot water. The cinnamon roll flavor is my fave=)
i never ate breakfast in highschool or college and now that I'm in the real world, I find myself munching on a poptart during the first hour or two I'm at work. It actually makes my stomache hurt sometimes when I eat a lot, so I just kind of graze. Don't make yourself crazy over not eating, but maybe buy a box of cereal bars or something to take with you in case your stomache starts doing the thinking for you.
I used to hate breakfast but I love it now and it's so important to start you day off with a good meal.
I have strawberries and cereal for breakfast. Separate not together, I'm weird like that.
I'm loving the Kashi honey sunshine cereal and Total blueberry pomegranate.
But if I could I would have fiber one pancakes and fake bacon a lot more than cereal!
your breakfast is the same as mine, although sometimes i eat shredded mini wheats.. they are so good and fill you up for the rest of the morning
I like whole grain oatmeal! It's quick and easy! Have a good first day :)
I always eat breakfast, even if I'm not hungry. Usually I have GoLean with a banana sliced up in it. It's filling and delicious and really gets my day off to a good start eating wise!!
I usually rotate between 'buck: a smoothie Or coffee with a slice of pumpkin bread. Or I just drink a green tea latte with a granola bar.
I never used to be a big breakfast fan, but now I find that I need it or I'll be eating my lunch at 10:00 in the morning! I too am a big fan of oatmeal or toast with egg-whites, or toast with a scrape of peanut butter, sliced banana (and a drizzle of honey if I'm feeling feisty)
I always eat something, even its just a toasted Engligh muffin with honey. I'm also a fan of plain Fage togurt and granola cereal.
I do think brekki (LOVE how you said that) is the most important meal of the day. I always have a carby item (think 100 calorie bagel or english muffin) and a fruit. Recently, I've had some carrots along with everything else. It gives me so much energy!
I always go for iced!! The warm drink just puts me right back to sleep!!
when I was at university all I had was coffee for breakfast! I too slept and then rushed to class with coffee in hand!!
Now that I work, I have time for a full "brekki" in the morning. I do think it is the best meal of the day but when you are in school sleep is much better!!
with a coffee on the side:)
luna sunrise bars!
Coffee is an essential part of my morning, and I always try to eat breakfast too. If I have time (and I, like you, try to sleep as long as possible!) I will eat cereal (hot or cold,) but in a hurry I love Luna bars or sometimes eat a quick cup of yogurt. Hope your first day back went well!!
I don't really eat breakfast, in the mornings I'd have a banana...and then I had a break between 10 and 11 so I'd have pizza at Round Table, and occasionally with a beer. Hey I had an excuse I was in college! lol I miss college so much. Enjoy these years :)
PS I hope your first week is going well :)
I love iced coffee!
I ALWAYS had breakfast in high school, but college turned me into a sleep-aholic and that was more important than bfast. A banana in the morning is fast and gives u energy :)
I ALWAYS had breakfast in high school, but college turned me into a sleep-aholic and that was more important than bfast. A banana in the morning is fast and gives u energy :)
I barely eat breakfast...but I love Iced coffee! Have you tried the McCafe's?
I always eat breakfast, but mainly because I'm starving by the time morning comes around!
I used to eat luna bars, but can't find them in Hong Kong. Now I have toast, an apple, and a diet coke!
Oh love, you know we future psychologists need our breakfast fuel! How else will we have the engery to deal with our crazy schedules? I always have a small pot of coffee (I know you understand why an entire pot is required), along with either a whole wheat bagel and raspberries or a Kashi multigrain waffle covered in almond butter. And another cup of coffee to go of course ;)
i start school tomorrow i start school tomorrow!!! (i'm obviously a little bit excited!)
i almost always eat breakfast these days. i usually eat the same thing for a week or two and then switch to the next thing i'm craving. lately, i've been doing a sesame bagel with cream cheese and sliced cucumber or a flatbread breakfast sandwich from starbuck's (mmmmm delish!). and always always 2 huge glasses of water and my calcium chew. usually some french press coffee too.
i love breakfast!
Alright, I'm a little late commenting, but better late than never?
I always eat brekki! In the past it has been oatmeal or a smootie, but these days it is just simple cereal and unsweetned vanilla almond breeze. If I'm really running with no time, I grab a yogurt and fill a snack bag with shredded mini wheat. Oh yeah, and coffee! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!
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