For me, summer is coming to an end.
My fall courses begin in one week, so I got to thinking about what I had planned to get done this summer...
My fall courses begin in one week, so I got to thinking about what I had planned to get done this summer...

{I'm the pale sun, thank you.}
I had planned to lay by the pool & achieve the perfect café au lait colour. I'm more of a pale beige, to be honest.
Grilling dinner every night? Not unless you count bar food as "grilled." Whoops.

Those flowers & herbs I planted? Yeah, dead.
I didn't make it on that summer trip to Milwaukee/Chicago. Nope, still here in Omaha.
{Uneven paint job. Boo hoo.}
The furniture I had planned to finish painting never got it's final coat. Sigh.
But hey, fall is upon us & I still have time to create plenty of new plans I will never fulfill. Ha.
Now, please tell me that some of you are like me in this sense? Summer "goals" that were never met? Share!
I have a ton of summer goals I never met! I think they will carry over perfectly to the Fall! :)
Yeah, my summer tan didn't happen either.
number of paintings planned for the summer: 7 - number completed: 0
number of skirts i was going to make: 4 - number completed: 0
we also had a grand plan to explore a different neighborhood every week. that totally didn't happen, either. summer "goals" definitely didn't happen.
Pounds I wanted to lose: 20
Actual pounds lost: 5, and only because I was sick last week
I also planned on spending the summer cleaning out/reorganizing the "wedding closet," the walk-in closet in our guest bedroom full of ... crap. First it was full of wedding-related paraphernalia, hence the name. Now it's just...crap. Naturally, it's still full of crap. It's now my deployment project!
hmm..... i was supposed to read a mile of French books that are still in my closet... woops! Guess I totally forgot I was teaching AP French this year. Eek!
Don't worry at least we know how to enjoy the summertime when it comes around. :)
Ha, I don't even make goals. I'm such a procrastinator it's not even funny. You have lots of 'fall' time!
That is what summer is for...making big plans and then doing things that are way more fun! You should make it a point to get to Chicago though. I guarantee you will love it!
I start projects all the time and never finish them...don't feel bad!
I was just saying at the end of my post today that I have a total case of end-of-summer laziness, and I haven't gotten any projects done this summer. I always do better in the fall. The crisp air makes me ambitious :)
Oh my, I meant to paint the living room, shop at the new farmers markets, check out a soda specialty shop in town and visit the zoo. Accomplished NONE of these things.
I do look like the pale sun all year (and unless I use self-tanner), that's about all I can do.
Oh, and I had plenty of things on my to-do list this summer and didn't accomplish most of them. But, I figure as long as we enjoy the summer and have fun, that's what matters, right?
My summer tan...not so much. I can't believe it's almost September!!
The "tell me a story" thing is THEEE best, right? Le sigh... :)
Where did the summer go?!? I feel like I accomplished nothing! I wanted to go away for a weekend with hubby - didn't happen. I had planned to organize and decorate my apartment - didn't happen. I wanted to spend lots of time sewing and crafting - didn't happen. I ordered $200 worth of books that weren't school related to read over the summer - I read a total of ONE of them. It's this whole summer school thing that screws us up!
My tan didn't happen either! Where has the summer gone?! It flew by fast. Good luck with getting ready for school!
I say embrace your lovely paleness, and one fall plan that we WILL follow thru on: IKEA meets Midwest meets booze sponges. Yeah, eat that one.
I bet you will get all these things done in the fall :) I'm SO ready for fall!!!
I always have unfinished to-do lists... sigh. One thing I'd really like to get around to is finishing my DIY inspiration board. One of these days...
wow, glad i'm not the only one in some of those aspects!
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