Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday Shoesday

Meow. Found here.

I'm a blog neglector. Will catch up soon!

(ps...you can check out my Tumblr as well - sometimes he gets updated more often)


Freck said...

Meow is right. Love!

Emily said...

Haha such a fun looking shoe!

Callie Grayson said...

love this bootie style, but my pup would attack my feet with this spotted pattern, being a hunting dog and all!
miss you! I have been studying and out of the loop lately so hope to be back myself very soon!!

Moosette said...

Ooh! Loovvvee!

noone said...

love the pattern!

Llama said...

wow! those are awesome!!:)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Yep. Pretty freaking fabulous!

Lacey said...

miss you...hope everything's going well!!