Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harry Potter {marathon}

This weekend I had a few friends over to watch some H. Pizzle movies. We absolutely had to get primed & ready for the premier of Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince this Wednesday.

Now, I couldn't possibly pass up an opportunity to have a little extravagance included in our shindig. I made a candy tray of magically-themed treats, some Butterbeer, & lots of popcorn. Here are a few photos from our fête. Enjoy!

We got home from the market & realize we had not gotten our security device removed from the booze. Yikes. That explains the alarm that went off when I walked out....

{see the magic? SEE IT?!}
Conor {aka Harry Potter} saved the day with a magic spell {er, screw driver} to remove the top.

{homemade BB - 6 cups Cream Soda to 1 cup Butterscotch Schnapps}

Acid Pops were created to add to the selection of Harry Potter-esque candy.


We are now prepped & ready for Wednesday {which also happens to be me & Conor's 3-year anniversary}.
Anyone else excited?


Anonymous said...

I love theme parties & I love how you added little bubbles to your drinks! :)

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

I love all of the goodies! Thats cool that you girls are all getting ready for the new Harry Potter movie! I wish I could have gotten into the series, but I just never did. Love your beautiful blog. Thank you for stopping by mine, I am looking forward to reading more about you. :)

Miss Sweet Tea said...

This looks like such fun!! I am SO excited about the new one...I have watched ABC family's marathon all weekend :) So ready!!!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Love the pitcher holding your butterbeer!

Hope you had a fun HP marathon weekend!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the name of yours and the first photo of the cake...yum!

Laura Calandrini said...

Looks like you made it truly festive! Thanks for your visit and comment.

Suburban Sweetheart said...

Oh my gosh. Just stumbled upon your blog from Wearing Mascara (congrats on the win). ARE YOU REAL? This stuff is amazing/beautiful/magical. Also, you might be a genius. Yowza.

Shaina said...

This looks like SO much fun! Look at you with your fun HP candies and drinks! I wish I was there hanging out with you!

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

your party looks like a blast, you are so creative!!! I am obsessed with all things HP, I cannot wait for Wednesday!!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

We are ready! We even thought about going at 12am on Tuesday, but I think I would fall asleep.
Very exciting-but the last.

Peachy Keen said...

I can't wait for the new HP either! You're treats look delicious and so creative!

Jennifer said...

I'm a big HP fan! I can't wait. I have been watching the movies as well! I still need to watch the last two before Wednesday!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Happy anniversary! This party sounds like a blast. Love the butterbeer and the snack plate. You know how to entertain, girl!

Adventures in Newlywed said...

Oh, I am totally making that butterbeer soon!(which probably means tonight :)

Rosemary Brennan said...

Your candy treats look fantastic. And your butterbeer recipe sounds yummy-can't wait to try it out!

Happy anniversary--what a great way to celebrate! :)

PinkSass said...

I can not wait for Harry Potter! SO excited!

Christina said...

oh my goodness, too cute! i'm so excited for the next movie and i will have to get some yummy treats like these to celebrate.

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

Do I spy Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?? :-)

Lacey said...

You always throw the most creative theme parties! I have never heard of butter beer but I'm now dying to try it. And how cute are your Harry Potter treats?!

Kate said...

So much fun! I have my tickets for the midnight show :)

kadler said...

Haha, I know nothing about Harry Potter, but that party looks awesome!

Aartee said...

How cute are those treats?? LOVE Harry Potter...

Candi of Candace Rose said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! :)