Thursday, June 3, 2010

Upcoming Attractions of Summer 2010...

I read yesterday on Tale of a Grits' adorable blog about what she was predicting to be her obsessions for this upcoming summer season. It got me thinking about my own....
*Season 3 of True Blood. Soon! I have finally watched both seasons 1 & 2 and must say I am a huge fan. I can't wait to see Sookie & Eric hook it up. I'm not stupid, it's totally obviously going to happen. Besides, I was starting to feel like Sookie & ol' Billiard Ball were the two most boring, lovey-dovey creatures ever.
*Nude coloured shoes - totally stolen from Miss Grits as well, but I am seriously in love this year. I have a pair of flats that I adore & am on the verge of wearing out. These two are hawt contenders for Next Member of Piper's Closet.
*Coral nails (currently Make Mine Mango by Revlon) & blurry pictures, apparently.

*Mad Men - summer tv is totes where it's at. The new photos from Vanity Fair are H-A-W-T! I am super excited for the new season. I think the last one ended like 400 years ago. In fact, I can't even remember how it ended, so I suppose I should dedicate some nice summer days to holing up in my apt. watching past seasons...

*Seasonal cocktails...I was recently gifted this book & am excited to try some fruity booze.

*Tabouleh salad. I could eat it every day. And never grow tired. Even though it IS mostly veggies....which leads to -

*Omaha's Farmer's Market. A new one just opened up by my house on Sundays. And it's not at 5am, which is much more do-able for Pipes.

*And last, but certainly not sister's pool - so long as it gets up & running soon. Here's an awesome video from last year's fun.

Well, these are a few things that I'm looking forward to - I'm sure you all have plenty more that I've forgotten (or need to be filled in on!), so please share.


preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

Love Mad Men!!

PinkSass said...

I also can not wait for Season 3 of True Blood. I am Eric obsessed. If you have time you should read the books. Just as good if not better than the show.

Emily said...

Yay for summer! This is a fine list of things to look forward to!

Rebecca said...

HOW THE HECK DO I EMAIL YOU!!?!? I live right by the new farmer's market too!!!!!!

Andie said...

I am so ready for both mad men and true blood! :)

share your tabbouleh salad recipe, please. :)

BeautyH2T said...

mad men, oh my word, I need it back in my life now!


Aly @ Analyze This said...

What an adorable blog! I just love the name of it, too! :)

I have a coral color on my toes...very summery! And usually I would shy away from this color (I'm a pink and berry gal) but I'm loving it with my tan!

I've never seen Mad Men....Should I start?!! Ha!

Freck said...

First of all, that video is hilarious. Second, that salad looks amazing. I'm so into nude shoes right now it's crazy and lastly, love that polish :)

noone said...

so true blood is good? I've been meaning to check it out but it's been a while now that I must download them and watch them in series!

elizabeth shay said...

1. I'm not into the whole vampire thing...but my boyfriend likes True Blood and I could use a fun show to get it really worth it and not too corny??
2. nude shoes are a must. aldo has some cute ones!
3. mad men. amazing. what vanity fair is this in!!?? im hoping the one with elizabeth taylor on the front b/c she looks stunning

yay for summer : )

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

I don't watch True Blood but gee, I probably should?!

Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes said...

Definitely with you on summer TV, except I'm partial to reality (I know, I know...) as well as seasonal cocktails AND loving that coral polish! xxSAS

McKenzie said...

LOVE the coral nails & nude shoes... two summer essentials this year!

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've totally been living in my nude patent pumps! I scored a pair at Aldo for 40 bones!

Sarah said...

I am so psyched for True Blood! You should definitely read the books they are awesome and they're quick reads too!

That video is hilarious, hubby and I just joined a pool and we are loving it!: )

noone said...

omg I was out this week and I was looking for a pair of nude colored heels! Unfortunately didnt find a pair but those two looks beautiful! And that video is quite funny :D

Suburban Sweetheart said...

I read the True Blood books & LOVED them but couldn't get into the show. Maybe I should try again?

midnight macaroons said...

I'm in love with those shoes. Perfect for the summer wardrobe. And that coral color is gorgeous. Not to red. I like your style. Happy summer!

BeautyH2T said...

Summer- love it! and want the nail varnish and all the food :) Just left you a little something something on my blog....



very married said...

isn't summer fun??

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Great coral nail color, and omg the shoes! I really want a pair of nude shoes :) Totally with you on the tabouleh. Pretty much any grain mixed with fresh veggies like that, love it.

And of course, can't wait for Mad Men (even though the set design dept are complete douches and keep purchasing stuff from me and other etsy sellers and then not paying for it. Seriously, how unprofessional is that?)