Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Recap

I had a great time this past weekend! We celebrated with a pool party/BBQ for the 2nd of July, followed by fireworks & listening to the police scanner on Saturday. For the 4th we traveled through the smoky-as-hell city to attend a fireworks extravaganza/block party. It was a GREAT weekend!
(Pandas, margaritas, patriotic booze, & more pandas!)
(clockwise from upper left: Me, sister L, Shel, Jules, MOI, Eric, Shel -peeking!, sister L again, & Frank)
All in all a great time - one to remember. I still can't get over how Baghdad-esque our city felt with all those firecrackers & fog - it was crazy!

Hope y'all had a great weekend as well.


Emily said...

Wow, that looks so fun! Happy belated Fourth of July!

Callie Grayson said...

sounds like you had a wonderful 4th!!
mine was okay nothing to spectacular on the 4th, stayed home then BBQ yesterday which was fun!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

What a fun fourth! Thanks for sharing pics :)

Anonymous said...

Looks wonderful :)

Summer Athena said...

i really love all of your photos and posts! i do. i do. i do.