Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Around the House...take 7?

I know I've shown you all a few items here & there around the ol' shanty. It's been a bit, so I thought I'd do the same - a little update, mind you.
First up: an interesting piece of art done by my friend & artist Rebecca Herskovitz. It's hard to pick up online, but the drawing is done on wood with both paint and thread accent stripes as well. It's gorgeous. It's also on a tripod because I live in fear of dedicating myself to hanging pictures.
My pile of wine corks once got out of hand, I gave a bunch away, and they started accumulating again. Conor & I started writing little notes on them w. Sharpies such as the date, event, whether or not we enjoyed the wine itself, & so on. It's actually become really fun to look back at them. I highly recommend doing this - we wish we'd started sooner!
This old bar was an inherited item from my grandmother. I love it - it was much needed & stores ALL my champagne coups & flutes. I'd love to update it a bit w. new knobbies, but the ones on there aren't budging as of yet...
This sweet-ass hole in our ceiling is courtesy of our lovely, brain-dead plumber duo. And yes, it's still leaking.

Happy Wednesday! I hope you enjoyed my mini-tour!


Anonymous said...

That is quite the hole! Sucks! And I love the wine cork idea! If we drank more wine, I'd be all over it. :)

Andie said...

the beachfront condo we stayed at back in June had a huge bulletin board that she glued all of her wine corks too. It was really cool looking!

You could always do that.

My friend Kelly puts her wine corks in a big hurricane glass (i mean really big)

The Pink Chick said...

I love the pics! The art is amazing, and I love the bar. I also love the cork idea. I save our corks, but I haven't been writing on them. I am definitely going adding notes to our corks! :)

Lacey said...

Such cute ideas! Your bar is fabulous...very luxurious!

Moosette said...

LOVE the idea of writing on wine corks! Definitely going to start doing this :-)

little luxury list said...

Oy hope that hole gets fixed soon!

The wine cork idea is really cool and what a great way to remember different wines!

Gabby said...

I like your house tours! I also save wine corks, I should start writing on them too :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, I love that drawing your friend did!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Sweetheart! Thanks for your kind note, I truly appreciate it! I learned the "save the wine cork and write a special note/date" from my father, he's been doing it for years and years...really sweet, I have some from my college graduation, sentimental things like when we bought our first home, and fun times from special dinners and vacations. Thanks for your mini-tour!! xoxo

Team Clancy said...

We keep all of our wine corks too! I bought a really neat aquare vase at Crate and Barrel a few years ago and we put all the corks in there. Actually, we're almost in need of another one!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Love the wine cork idea! I've been talking about starting a wine and cheese journal (because sometimes - especially with wine - I can't remeber what I like & what I don't), but can't bring myself to do it because it just sounds so pretentious. Your cork idea is so much more fun!

Love the bar cabinet and the art piece! Sorry about your ceiling :(

Oh, My Darling said...

I'm loving reading your blog! The corks collection is such a fun idea.