Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Midsummer's Dream

Things I'm currently coveting:
  1. Dresses from Thread Social's Resort Collection. OMG I NEED THEM NOW!
  2. Any of the many shoes found in my always full Zappos shopping cart.
  3. I can't quite cough up 200 bucks for swim wear quite yet, but if I could I'd definitely get this Spanx piece (via Real Simple).
  4. A bunch of Ikat fabric (found here) to cover up a chair my mom has for me. I luv turquoise!


Anonymous said...

A spanx bathing suit?? Genius!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Wait..........a Spanx bathing suit?!?! Whhhhaaaat?!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

The spanx bathing suit wet is like wearing an anaconda. Can't breathe...can't breathe...can't your only thought, plus think about how do you hide the overflow in a bathing suit.

I am dying over the striped Maxi, but can't do $675 for it, but I lurveeee it!

Clearence sale alerts in the future? Pinkie Swear?

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I can't cough up that much for swimwear either...but that IS totally swoon worthy!

Screen Door Prep said...

I saw that Spanx bathing suit, too! & I was just telling my husband that I know he prefers bikinis, but they are NOT practical for playdates at the pool w/ a toddler!

Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog today! I love your blog & am so excited to follow!

Unknown said...

Your wish list looks a lot like mine! :)